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Agile por Mind Map: Agile

1. Process

1.1. Levels

1.1.1. Project/Product

1.1.2. Release

1.1.3. Iteration

1.1.4. Day's work

1.2. Life-cycle (each level)

1.2.1. Initiation

1.2.2. Planning

1.2.3. Execution, Monitor & Control (loop)

1.2.4. Closing, Transition

2. Tools

3. Goal

3.1. Responsiveness

3.2. Flexibility

3.3. Scalability

3.4. Quality

3.5. Sustainability

3.6. Fit-for-purpose

4. Principles

4.1. Eliminate waste

4.2. Learn from what you're doing

4.3. Decide as late as possible

4.4. Deliver as fast as possible

4.5. Empower the team

4.6. Build integrity in

4.7. See the whole system