True Education

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True Education por Mind Map: True Education

1. Spiritual

1.1. The knowledge of good and evil

1.2. Relation of education to redemption

1.3. The schools of the prophets

1.4. God in nature

1.5. Other object lessons

1.6. Poetry and song

1.7. Faith and prayer

2. Mental

2.1. The education of Isreal

2.2. Science and the Bible

2.3. Mysteries of the Bible

2.4. Methods of teaching

3. Professional

3.1. Relation of dress to education

3.2. Business principals and methods

3.3. Illustration of His method

3.4. Bible teaching and study

3.5. Education and character

3.6. Deportment

3.7. Discipline

4. Mental and spiritual culture

4.1. History and prophecy

5. Preparation

6. Physical

6.1. Recreation

6.2. Study of physiology

6.3. Temperance and dietetics

6.4. Manual training

7. Social

7.1. The teacher sent from God

7.2. The Sabbath

7.3. The Eden school

7.4. Lives of great men

7.5. Lessons of life

7.6. Bible biographies

7.7. Cooperation

8. The source and aim of true education

9. The Lifework

10. The school of the hereafter