ICT with Ross

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ICT with Ross por Mind Map: ICT with Ross

1. Web Browsers

1.1. Options

1.1.1. Firefox Open source

1.1.2. Chrome

1.1.3. Safari

1.2. Extensions

1.2.1. Ad Block Plus

2. Graphics

2.1. Acorn

2.2. Filters

2.2.1. https://flyingmeat.com/acorn

2.3. Typography

2.3.1. https://goo.gl/9g4XM6

2.3.2. https://www.dafont.com

2.4. Epic Wallpaper

2.4.1. https://goo.gl/z7Ht5H

2.4.2. https://goo.gl/7xwqeE

2.5. Export

3. Video Production

3.1. iMovie

3.2. Music

3.2.1. savefrom.net

3.3. Crop & Ken Burns

3.4. Split

3.5. Titles

3.6. Fast/Slow Motion

3.7. Learning more

3.7.1. Hong Kong Strong (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyDW1rNGPU0&t=42s)

3.7.2. Hong Kong Strong Director's Commentary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YosDqsWvyU

4. PC Teardown & Rebuild

4.1. CPU

4.2. RAM

4.3. Power supply

4.4. Case

4.5. Hard disk

4.6. Motherboard

5. 0. Introduction

5.1. Overview

5.1.1. 6 sessions, 7 participants

5.2. Why learn?

5.3. How we learn

5.3.1. The Learning Zone http://rossparker.org/the-learning-zone/

5.4. What to learn?

5.5. Reading

5.5.1. The Shallows - Nicholas Carr

5.5.2. It's Complicated - danah boyd

5.5.3. Fumbling The Future - Douglas K Smith

6. 1. Desktop/Mac Basics

6.1. Clicking

6.1.1. Primary/left

6.1.2. Mouse jiggle Secondary/right

6.1.3. Gestures Mission Control

6.2. Window management

6.2.1. Mission Control F3

6.2.2. Show/Hide Desktop Exploding claw

6.2.3. LaunchPad Imploding claw

6.2.4. Full screen

6.2.5. Split screen External display Mirroring Extended desktop

6.3. Spotlight

6.3.1. Apps

6.3.2. Docs

6.3.3. Calculator

6.3.4. Unit conversion

6.3.5. Currency conversion

6.3.6. Cmd-Space Flights (new as of macOS 10.13)

6.3.7. Applications

6.4. Finder

6.4.1. New Folder Rubber band/magic lasso

6.4.2. Get Info View size Lock Stationary Pad

6.5. Keyboard Shortcuts

6.5.1. https://support.apple.com/en-hk/HT201236

6.5.2. Cmd-Space

6.5.3. Cmd-Shift-3

6.5.4. Cmd-Shift-4

6.5.5. Cmd-Delete

6.5.6. Cmd-Opt-Esc

6.5.7. Cmd-Q

6.5.8. Cmd-Z

6.5.9. Cmd-Y

6.5.10. Cmd-C

6.5.11. Cmd-X

6.5.12. Cmd-V

6.5.13. Cmd-P

6.5.14. Cmd-Opt-Cntl-Power

6.6. AirDrop

6.7. Installing Apps

6.8. Updates

6.8.1. Major

6.8.2. Minor