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1. from ruminant animals generally such as; cows, goats, sheeps, cattles, deers, giraffes, antelope and also camels.

2. sperm motility is higher in samples collected by artificial vagina (AV) compared through electroejaculation (EE).

3. Artificial Vagina is used to collect semen from many species, most prominently are horses, goats, sheeps and rabbits.

4. Many males can be induced to ejaculate by applying massage and pressure to the penis.

5. when the male is aroused, a director of some cone, attached to collection tube, slipped over the penis to facilitate harvesting semen.

6. an AV uses thermal and mechanical stimulations to stimulate ejaculation.

7. purpose of reproductive evaluation or for use of artificial insemination.

8. after semen collection, immediately it is slowy invert to the tube several times to mix the semen gently.

9. the motility of sperm will be determined by placing the semen on the warmed microscope slide.

10. sperm cryoresistance in ruimant animals

11. mainly collected through artificial vagina (AV), digital manipulation, electroejaculation (EE).

12. provides a viable alternative for untrained males.

13. the technique used depends on the species being collected and disposition

14. Electroejaculation involves applying a series of a short, low voltage pulses of current to the pelvic nerves involved in the ejaculation response.

15. most prominently used in mamals. this technique is only useful for collecting semen in wild animals.

16. using a phantom, characterized by a complete absence of auditory, olfactory and vaginal contact and contraction stimuli.