Failure to Thrive

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Failure to Thrive por Mind Map: Failure to Thrive

1. definition

1.1. significant prolonged cessation of appropriate weight gain compared with recognized norms for age or gender after having recieve stable pattern

1.2. weight for age decreasing across 2 major percentile channels from a previously established growth pattern

1.2.1. from 50th to 25th to 10th

1.3. weight for length less than 5th precentile

1.4. WHO recommends children 0-24 months, weight for lenght less than 2 percentile would be indicative of FTT

1.5. just because below growth not mean FTT describe achieve growth percentile 10% precent flatten out fallen off

2. oral nutritional supplementation

2.1. carnation instant breakfast with whole milk- <1 years old

2.2. milkshakes made with whole milk or half and half children > 1 years of age

2.3. Pediasure or Boost Kid Essetials for children 1-13

2.4. Boost or Ensure for children 13 and up

2.5. more calorically dense products available if weight gain on 1kcal/ml products is not sufficient

2.5.1. 1.5kcal/ml pediasure 1.5 and boost Kids essential 1-13 years of age boost plus and ensure plus more than 10 years old

2.5.2. 2kcal/ml Two Cal HN for children less than 10 years