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Unit 7 por Mind Map: Unit 7

1. Electronics Store

1.1. Is a retail store specializing in electronics

2. Flea Market

2.1. selling secondhand goods.

3. Jewelry Store

3.1. place were you buy jewelry

4. Market

4.1. regular gathering of people for the purchase and sale of provisions, livestock, and other commodities.

5. Antiques

5.1. is an item perceived as having value because of its aesthetic or historical significance and at least 100 years old

6. Electronics

6.1. the branch of physics and technology concerned with the design of circuits using transistors and microchips, and with the behavior and movement of electrons in a semiconductor, conductor, vacuum, or gas

7. Broken

7.1. action of rupeture somthing

8. Convinient

8.1. suitable for your purposes and needs and causing the least difficulty

9. Inexpensive

9.1. need to spend more

10. Noisy

10.1. yelling when you are toking

11. Overpriced

11.1. expensive

12. Stressful

12.1. Not fine a solution and have a short time

13. Trendy

13.1. Stay in

14. Cashier

14.1. The machine that give you the money

15. Credit Card

15.1. piace of plastic tha you use for pay somethings

16. Line

16.1. type of actitutde

17. Store Assitant

17.1. Person or app, that help you to shop

18. Compare Prices

18.1. Have a equal aspects froms something

19. Ship

19.1. Amazing construction of metal or other material that make trips

20. Spend Time

20.1. pass the day

21. Antique Store

21.1. Is a retail store specializing in the selling of antiques

22. Boutique

22.1. A boutique is "a small store that sells stylish clothing,

23. Mall

23.1. place where you find all type of stores

24. Perfume

24.1. a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes.

25. Clothing

25.1. woven or felted fabric made from wool, cotton, or a similar fiber.

26. Jewelry

26.1. consists of small decorative items worn for personal adornment,

27. Stuff

27.1. a thing

28. Busy

28.1. to many homeworks in same time

29. Crowded

29.1. a large number of persons gathered closely together; throng: a crowd of angry people. See more.

30. Loud

30.1. to much volume

31. Outdated

31.1. Out of time

32. Reasonable

32.1. Actitud positive that help you and other

33. Tempting

33.1. have a temp

34. Used

34.1. Oldfasshioned

35. Complaind

35.1. hace annoying personality

36. Good Deal

36.1. Make sure that you are doing the right when you buy somethin or you want confirm csomething

37. Shopping Habits

37.1. Have cualitys of hace somthings

38. Be Broke

38.1. Non hace money

39. Purchase

39.1. seletion

40. Shop Online

40.1. Activity that you do in internet for buy stuff

41. Stand in line

41.1. keep the line