The Internet and Effective Internet Searching

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The Internet and Effective Internet Searching por Mind Map: The Internet and Effective Internet Searching

1. Where to Find Copyright free Images

1.1. Britannica Image Quest:

1.2. ShutterStock: Stock Photos, Royalty-Free Images and Vectors | Shutterstock

2. Kid Friendly Search Engines

2.1. Make sure Safe Search is on before using Google or Bing.

2.2. KidzSearch:

2.3. KidRex:

2.4. Kiddle:

3. Effective searching

3.1. Use minus symbols when you want to not include any words in your search on Google.

3.2. Use key words

3.2.1. eg when searching for an answer to the question: How do frogs breath? The Key words would be: Frogs and Breath.

3.2.2. Order of words can be rearranged if you need to!

3.2.3. Google search tips #1

3.3. Use quotation marks when searching for direct quotes.

3.3.1. If you only include the direct quotation google may try to change it and give to many results.

3.4. When you know you are missing a word when searching, but cannot think of it replace it with *.

3.5. For more Google search tips watch the video below

4. What is the internet?

4.1. A great place to connect with people

4.2. A place where information on lots of things is stored

4.3. A place where information and experiences can be shared and accessed by peopl all over the world.