The Internet and Effective Internet Searching

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The Internet and Effective Internet Searching por Mind Map: The Internet and Effective Internet Searching

1. Delve

1.1. look beyond the first few results

1.2. open sites in new tabs, leaving their search results in a tab for easy access later

2. Evaluate

2.1. Use control F to bring up a search box that can scan the page.

2.2. understand that you cannot believe everything you read

2.2.1. you cannot believe everything you read

3. Cite

3.1. Create a reference list or bibliography

3.2. Use quotation marks when taking exact sentences for sources

3.3. If you do not do this, you may be involved in plagiarism and copyright infringement

4. Source:

5. Clarify

5.1. keywords

5.2. synonyms

5.3. questions

6. Search

6.1. Use important keywords

6.2. alter the search terms and get more specific

6.3. Use quotation marks if you want your keywords in an exact order

7. Engines

7.1. Use a variety of search engines to receive a wide range of informstion

7.1.1. Google

7.1.2. Bing

7.1.3. Wolfram Alpha

7.1.4. School search engines such as summon