Technology/Internet Addiction

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Technology/Internet Addiction por Mind Map: Technology/Internet Addiction

1. Effects of this Addiction

2. Lack of concentration

3. Effects eyesight when we use this for a long time

4. It can also effect a persons mental and physical health

5. It can take away the relationship with others

6. It can change ones character and behavior a lot as they try to be their own without any interaction with the real world


8. Computers and Smartphones are given more importance than anything ese

9. Using internet one will get all the information without putting any effort

10. lack of interest in outdoor activities

11. Ways to take away this Addiction

12. One should be able to control its use by making up his/her mind

13. Install applications like Moment or Quantity Time to know how much you are addicted to Smartphones and to control its use

14. Turn off the notifications of Smartphones when we try to concentrate on any topics

15. Here is one video on how we can over come the excessive use of Internet Getting Over Internet Addiction