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History por Mind Map: History

1. Ms.Hogan

1.1. WW1

1.1.1. Outcomes

1.1.2. How it started

1.1.3. Weapons

1.2. WW2

1.2.1. Outcomes

1.2.2. how it started

1.2.3. New weapons

1.3. Russian Revolution

1.3.1. Stalin

1.3.2. Lenin

1.3.3. Communism

1.3.4. Propoganda

2. Mr.Nebel

2.1. World Economy

2.1.1. Taxes and reforms all over the world

2.2. Russia and U.S

2.2.1. The fight for germany

2.3. Global north and global south

2.3.1. Poor and rich

2.4. Cold war

2.4.1. Russia

2.4.2. US

3. Mrs.Quinn

3.1. Imperialism

3.1.1. Untitled

3.2. Industrial Era

3.3. Agricultural Era

3.4. Colonization