Teaching SC.3.N.1.6 Infer based on observation in a third grade science classroom.

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Teaching SC.3.N.1.6 Infer based on observation in a third grade science classroom. por Mind Map: Teaching SC.3.N.1.6 Infer based on observation in a third grade science classroom.

1. Students will be in small groups.

1.1. Students will each have a paper to fill out with their observations.

1.1.1. Students will have six minutes at each center to make their observation and fill out their paper.

2. There will be at least four centers around the room with things for groups to observe.

2.1. One center will have baking soda in a bowl with a dropper of vinegar for students to drop into the bowl.

2.2. The center center will have a black and white tin can in sunlight with a thermometer in each can.

2.3. Students will watch a video of video of an egg being dropped into a glass on repeat to demonstrate gravity.

2.4. The fourth center will have a balance scale with an object on one side, and assorted objects to try to balance out the scale. They will observe that the objects that weigh the same will balance the scale.