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Factoring por Mind Map: Factoring

1. -Factors are just the numbers(multiplication pair) not the expression -Factors add to the last term, not multiply -Incorrectly identifying a, b, and c (especially when not in standard form). -Forgetting negative factors -Thinking that the GCF has to be a number

2. -Greatest Common Factors -Associative Property -Multiplication pairs -Distributive property -Multiplication of binomials -Area model/Box method

3. -Solving quadratic equations -Finding x-intercepts for graphing -Connection to physics

4. -Quadratic -Greatest Common Factor(GCF) -Polynomial(Trinomial, Binomial) -Variable -Coefficient -Conjugate pairs

5. -I can identify the GCF of a polynomial -I can factor trinomials with leading coefficient equal to 1 -I can factor trinomials with leading coefficient not equal to 1 -I can factor trinomials with leading degree of 3