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Ancient Greece por Mind Map: Ancient Greece

1. Minoan civilization built buildings called 'palaces'

1.1. They had more than 1,000 rooms!

2. Capital is Athens

3. Family was normally parents and kids

3.1. Father is head leader of family

3.1.1. Sometimes father allows other people to live with them Like slaves, aunts, grandparents etc.

4. Country in south east Europe

4.1. Part of Peninsula

5. Only started living in Greece 40,000 years ago

6. They warshipped the Greek gods

6.1. Ares - god of war. Artemis - god of hurting. Zeus - king of all gods, heaven and weather. Athena - goddess of wisdom, art, and war. Hades - god of fire, volcanoes, craftsmen, and blacksmiths. Apollo - god of sun, truth, music, poetry, dance, and healing. Much more...

6.1.1. Give gifts to the god in the temple People thought 'gifts will persuade the gods' The temple is the gods house Biggest temple is Parthenon

6.2. Olympus gods