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Ancient Mayans por Mind Map: Ancient Mayans

1. The Mayan's are American Indians

2. Their civilization was thriving from 200 to 900 AD/CE

3. Most Mayans lived as farmers

3.1. Main crop is corm

3.1.1. Other crops are squash, beans, sweet potato, tomatoes and pumpkins. They also make tortillas and its one of their main foods.

4. They lived in 1 room mud huts

5. The males do the farming, and the females did the housework, pottery, cooked, and made clothing.

6. Mayans considered cross-eyed people beautiful

6.1. Mothers would hold something in front of the babies nose to make them cross eyed.

7. They also considered a flat head beautiful

7.1. To newborns, they would strap a long board to their back and as their head leaned on it, then it would flatten their skull

8. Before you're 5, your parents will take care of you

9. Before you're 5, your parents will take care of you

9.1. After 5 then you have to help with the new responsibilities

9.1.1. Boys wear a white bead in their hair, and girls will wear a string on her waist with a shell on it They will wear it until they're 14 The priest will host a celebration celebrating them turning into an adult.

10. All boys moved into a house for unmarried men until married

10.1. Priests chose days when god and stars were present for good luck

10.1.1. But they thought god controlled everything So they believed that life would be happy & sad because some gods are good and some bad