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Renewable Energies por Mind Map: Renewable Energies

1. How many types are there?

1.1. Eolic

1.1.1. Made by the force of wind

1.2. Hydro

1.2.1. Produced by the movement of water

1.3. Biomass

1.3.1. It is produced by the heat of grabaje and decomposing materials

1.4. Geothermal

1.4.1. Known as the energy made obtained by the heat of underground materials

1.5. Solar

1.5.1. This produced by the sunlight and its heat

2. What is it?

2.1. Produced by natural sources

2.2. Represents 10% of flobal energy

2.3. Fastest growing source of energy

2.4. Always refilling itself so it will never run out.

3. Upsides /Benefits

3.1. It is a reliable source, its prices can be easily maintained and stable.

3.2. It can help climate change since it doesn't produce direct greenhouse effects

3.3. It cost very little to maintain the electric plants so the energy is mostly free

3.4. Can reduce pollution

4. Downsides

4.1. The energy can't be stored

4.2. Solar and wind are intermitent

4.3. It is not produced at the same scale of fossil

4.4. It can alter wildlife and migration patterns