Node Concept: No. 1 Principle of This Program: Can YOU Prevent Your Own Heart Attack? ***

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Node Concept: No. 1 Principle of This Program: Can YOU Prevent Your Own Heart Attack? *** por Mind Map: Node Concept: No. 1 Principle of This Program: Can YOU Prevent Your Own Heart Attack? ***

1. What is an "EVENT"? Click this icon:

1.1. Can you discipline yourself to take action BEFORE YOU HAVE "AN EVENT"?

1.1.1. Most people get motivated AFTER an "event" like a Heart Attack

1.1.2. ALL of us are at risk

1.1.3. The STANDARD APPROACH is NOT WORKING 50% of Heart Attacks Occur With NORMAL STANDARD RISK FACTORS! What are "standard" risk factors? "Normal" cholesterol, BP, weight, and blood sugar. Many of these "events" or heart attacks are fatal.

1.2. Will it take "AN EVENT" to motivate you?