The Adaptable Mind

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The Adaptable Mind por Mind Map: The Adaptable Mind

1. 1.Curiosity

1.1. we have pathways that open up to more curiosities. Something a machine can't do.

1.1.1. Machines follow rules. Our curiosity is peaked when we let our brains seek more deeply.

2. 2. Creativity

2.1. Liberates human energy.

2.1.1. Creativity happens best, when you leave your mind to wander.

3. 3. Initiative

3.1. Knowing when to ask others.

3.1.1. Knowing when to take hold of your ideas before they disappear in a sea of other un-used ideas.

4. 4. Multi-disciplinary Thinking

4.1. Understanding that collaboration is needed. Thinking about what you know and what you don't know.

4.1.1. Consulting experts from around the world

5. 5. Empathy

5.1. Sensing feelings and emotions from others. It's a lost art. We need to get back on track with empathy.