ADDIE for Design Theory

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ADDIE for Design Theory por Mind Map: ADDIE for Design Theory

1. Development

1.1. Create draft instruction

1.2. Develop course materials

1.3. Conduct a course run through, get feedback

1.4. Revise materials and activities based on feedback

1.5. Create Instructor training if needed

1.5.1. In the Development phase materials are developed and tested. There could be a need to go back to the development phase.

2. Implement

2.1. Arrange the learning space, make sure tech works, have all handouts and course materials ready to go.

2.1.1. Course delivery happens in this phase. The learners have time to practice what has been taught. Formative assessment can also occur during through guidance from the Instructor.

2.2. Prepare the learners - Communicate what the objectives are, connect to prior learning.

2.3. Deliver the training

2.4. Provide support

3. Evaluate

3.1. Formative Assessment- Rubrics show what level of mastery learners achieved and where to improve performance.

3.1.1. In this phase we collect data to determine if the objectives have been met. Has the knowledge been transferred? Have the students assimilated the principles and elements of design? Are the guests happy with the finished design? How do the learners feel about this lesson? Was there anything they needed clarification on?

3.2. What areas need to be revised, take this back to the analysis phase.

3.3. Summative Assessment- Peer evaluation, performance demonstrations

4. Analyze

4.1. What skills need to be learned?

4.1.1. In the analyze phase, it must be determined that a need is there for the training or Instruction. My learners need to understand elements and principles of design as they pertain to Hairstyles.

4.2. Who needs the training?

4.3. What are the goals of the training?

4.3.1. The students will be able to describe face and body shapes and what forms best accentuate positive features. The students will be able to analyze hair types and apply forms best suited to the hairs abilities.

4.4. How will the skills be measured?

4.5. How will the training be delivered?

4.6. How accessible are the sources of knowledge?

5. Design

5.1. Develop course objectives and learning outcomes

5.1.1. In the design phase the course content, delivery methods and assessment instruments are created. This will include topics, design theory, face and body shapes, tricology.

5.2. Determine topics to be covered

5.3. Create lesson plans

5.4. Create learning activities and exercises

5.5. Determine media

5.6. Create assessment instruments

5.6.1. An assessment can consist of mutual satisfaction of the resulting design by adhering to the guidelines presented. Multiple choice questions can also be used to assess transfer of knowledge.