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Project Week 6 por Mind Map: Project Week 6

1. How?

1.1. We will collect donations from all primary.

1.2. How? We will make a poster to inform students and remind them to bring the donations.

1.3. For the food: We might cook some meals. We could also buy some fruits for them.

2. Presentation

2.1. Powtoon (Digital)

2.2. Poster/Any type of display that is not digital. (Substitute)

3. Charity

3.1. Healthy food

3.2. Clothes

3.3. Indonesian books

4. Where?

4.1. Kampung Cimaung, Cihampelas

5. What do they need?

6. Who?

6.1. The Parents of the Children

6.1.1. They need to be educated about the right diet (Rainbow Diet) for their children.

6.1.2. We will also teach them how to cook healthy meals for their children.

6.2. The Children in the Village

6.2.1. They need to be educated about what type of food they should eat to keep them healthy.

6.2.2. We will teach them how to cook simple and healthy meals.