ADDIE (Gennie's interpretation)

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ADDIE (Gennie's interpretation) por Mind Map: ADDIE (Gennie's interpretation)

1. 3 - Develop

1.1. the point of this step is to put together the course

1.1.1. Each element of the course should be developed to match the design phase

1.1.2. If decisions of content need to be made, go back to the design phase

1.1.3. ease of navigation & no steps missing

1.2. create & assemble the content

1.2.1. confirm licensing

1.2.2. decide on platform

1.2.3. decide on look (color, fonts, etc.)

1.2.4. put everything together

1.3. review & revise

1.3.1. have friends & colleagues review & give detailed feedback

1.3.2. make sure people with different skill levels review

1.3.3. revise accordingly

2. 4 - Implement

2.1. The point of this step is to get the information in the hands of the people who need it & procedures for the training are put in place

2.2. facilitators & learners must be supported

2.2.1. course curriculum

2.2.2. learning outomes

2.2.3. training for any needed technology

3. 5 - Evaluate

3.1. Formative Evaluation: at the end of each of the four steps, check to see if I missed anything

3.1.1. self elvaluate

3.1.2. ask others in the field

3.2. Summative Evaluation: at the end of the project

3.2.1. give opportunities for feedback from users, some specific questions, and some open space

3.2.2. look at: cost, schedule, requirements, risks

4. 1 - Analyze

4.1. the point of this step is to answer the following questions

4.1.1. What is the point of the Training

4.1.2. Will training actually help?

4.1.3. How can we Improve the situation & achieve business goals through training?

4.2. Identify

4.2.1. intended audience learning constraints their characteristics amount of time they can commit

4.2.2. delivery options computer capabilities (wifi, etc.) language and cultural constraints

4.2.3. timelines how long with the project take & who can call in for assistance how long I want the finished project to take for a learner to complete how much administration and facilitator work will be needed

5. 2 - Design

5.1. the point of this step is to make practical and specific decisions about the content. Story boarding is a good idea

5.2. learning objectives

5.2.1. the flow & sequence - if something needs to be done before something else, make sure I know the order

5.2.2. actually list the steps and intended outcome of each step

5.3. Define, create, or find

5.3.1. content (or consumption) videos articles web pages

5.3.2. exercises (for output) broken into small pieces if new technology is introduced, training exercises on those

5.3.3. assessment instruments Is this going to be graded, evaluated? If so, decide how that will be done perhaps peer evaluation