7 Functions of Marketing for Apple

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7 Functions of Marketing for Apple por Mind Map: 7 Functions of Marketing for Apple

1. Financing

1.1. Apple accepts any forms of payment such as credit, debit, or cash. Apple even has app called Apple Pay that allows Apple users to pay from their devices.

2. Marketing- Information Management

2.1. On Apple's website they include a feedback page in order to get back information about their products and company. Along with surveys sent out to anyone that has purchased their products before. They occasionally also hire outside market research firms to conduct research for them.

2.1.1. How can we improve our products?

2.1.2. Did you enjoy your product?

2.1.3. How was the quality of our product?

2.2. Apple has many ways to reach their customers, for example, Apple has many accounts on many different social media sights such as Twitter and Instagram.

3. Promotion

3.1. Buy a MacBook and receive Beats with your purchase.

4. Selling

4.1. Apple's products can be purchased at a wide variety of places ranging from Apple Stores to many department stores and lots more, but can also be found in random locations such as vending machines.

5. Distribution

5.1. The company gets their products to their customers through their Apple stores, the customer can order the product online and pick it up at the store or purchase it at a variety of other stores that carry their products.

6. Pricing

6.1. iPhone X- $999

6.2. Apple Watch Series 3- $329-$749

6.3. MacBook Pro- $1,299-$2,799

7. Product/Service Management

7.1. Some Apple products include the many generations of iPhones, Apple watches, and MacBooks. With each generation that comes out approximately each year, updating and adding new features to their products. For example, the iPhone X changed their screen to fit the whole front of the phone along with many other features.