Application Software

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Application Software por Mind Map: Application Software

1. Software for home,personal,educational use

1.1. Tax preparation

1.2. Personal DTD

1.3. Personal Paint/image editing

1.4. Reference

1.5. Educational

1.6. Travel and mapping

1.7. Home design / landscaping

1.8. Entertainment

1.9. Clip art/image galery

2. Business Software

2.1. Database

2.2. Presentation

2.3. Note taking

2.4. Software suit

2.5. Personal information manger

3. Application software for communications

3.1. Web browser

3.2. E-mail

3.3. Instant messaging

3.4. Chat room

3.5. Text,Picture,Video messaging

3.6. Rss aggregator

3.7. Blogging

3.8. Newsgrop / Message bord

4. Learning tools for Applications software

4.1. Online Help

4.2. Web-base training

4.3. Distance learning

5. Graphic an Multimedia software

5.1. Computer -aided design

5.2. Desktop publishing

5.3. Paint/image editing

5.4. Perfressional photo editing

5.5. Video and audio editing