Rhetorical Ecology: Changing My Major... Again...

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Rhetorical Ecology: Changing My Major... Again... por Mind Map: Rhetorical Ecology: Changing My Major... Again...

1. Texts: Emails

1.1. Email

1.1.1. My advisor and I emailed back and forth for a bit about what my options were. Things such as why I wanted to switch majors and if there were any ways to stay with my current major, as well as other majors I would be interested in, and ultimately what I wanted to do with my future.

2. Environment: St Edward's, Austin

2.1. St Edward's

2.1.1. I love St Edward's and it's supportive community paired for my love of this University helped me feel better when I stressed about this

2.2. Austin

2.2.1. Austin is a dope spot too

3. Beings: Nico, St Edward's Professors, friends, family academic advisors

3.1. Nico

3.1.1. What I'm feeling and what I feel like/think I should do it important

3.2. Professors

3.2.1. Getting a new major would mean getting new professors

3.3. Friends

3.3.1. Friends either support you or judge you after you switch your major a couple times and its always funny

3.4. Family

3.4.1. They do a similar thing as friends but sometimes they also to do what you think you should

3.5. Advisors

3.5.1. Advisors do their best to help you

4. Structures: Degree works, four year college plan, Sticking with major

4.1. Four Year College Plan

4.1.1. Typically college is get in and do it in four or less years and do something like switching majors could change that plan.

4.2. Degree Works

4.2.1. Degree works kind of goes with the whole "college plan" thing because it has all the classes that I've taken/need to take and it can show me how it changes depending on what choices I make academically

4.3. "Get through it and get your Masters in something you actually want to do"

4.3.1. A bunch of people say to stick with a major and then get a Masters in what you really want to do later but I really don't want/cant afford graduate school