Bat Mitzvah

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Bat Mitzvah por Mind Map: Bat Mitzvah

1. Bat Mitzvah are normally celebrated with parties, gatherings or creative projects.

2. After the celebration, family and friends enjoy a party which is normally held in the synagogue hall or somewhere else.

3. Bat Mitzvah is Hebrew for ‘daughter if commandment’.

4. They also have extra lessons in the scriptures and the duties of a Jewish woman.

5. This happens when a girl becomes 12. They are now considered mature enough to understand their Religous duties.

6. She has all the rights and obligations of a Jewish woman, including the commandments of the Torah.

7. From her Bat Mitzvah, she takes place in Jewish community.

8. In progressive Judaism, girls and boys read the scriptures aloud in the synagogue. However, In most other types of Judaism, just boys do.

9. They take extra lessons in the aspects of Judaism.