Designing Sponsor Posters For a Local High School as Part of Work - Rhetorical Ecology

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Designing Sponsor Posters For a Local High School as Part of Work - Rhetorical Ecology por Mind Map: Designing Sponsor Posters For a Local High School as Part of Work - Rhetorical Ecology

1. Structures

1.1. Copyright Laws and use of reference photos: legal rules that prohibit me from stealing or misusing any photos that are not mine; therefore, I can only use photos that are in the Public Domain, or create a vaguely similar image with my own skills.

1.1.1. Being: Because I have the business' reputation on the line, I have to make sure that what I am working on is not plagiarism, but also excellent

1.2. Elements of Designs: basic knowledge I should know when creating the posters to make them look visibly appealing

1.2.1. Texts: Utilization of Adobe Photoshop to complete the designs

1.3. Critique from client: an inevitable result that is either good, bad, or neutral; however, the critique can either have me feel proud of the good work I am outputting or have low self-esteem and a feeling of self-disappointment if it is bad.

2. Enviroment

2.1. Copy-rite (workplace): light atmosphere that allows for relief and enjoyment from customers and fellow employees

2.1.1. Beings: other employees provide support and opinions that allow a comfortable space to do my work

2.2. 8 hour work schedule, 5 days a week: Mental fatigue and strain on eyes occurs after consistent focus on computer work which can effect my output productivity (the time spent doing my job).

2.2.1. Beings: Aforementioned, my work schedule sometimes puts a physical tole on my eyes because I am constantly looking at my computer; plus my already, bad eyesight, it can cause me to lose focus and motivation when designing

3. Events

3.1. Photo shoot for cheerleaders: They result in the in the photo files that will be used as a template and the entirety of the project. (Text)

3.2. The Design Process: Time spent designing, editing, and printing photos

3.3. Deadline and distribution of posters: set date by the client about when the project should be complete and the posters be distributed to the respective cheerleaders

3.3.1. Environment: Work schedule gives me a limited time to work on the design before the deadline, all while completing other clients' work

4. Beings

4.1. Copy-rite Digital Print & Design and employees: knowing my work has an effect on the outlook of the business' reputation

4.2. Weslaco East High School, its cheerleaders, sponsors, and parents: They are the clients and give the final green light on whether or not my work is acceptable to sponsor them

4.2.1. Structure: this goes hand and hand when receiving critique because it results in me having to create drafts that the client adores.

4.2.2. Structures: I received criticism for the final outcome of the poster; although some of it was good, some parents were not impressed with the pose the girls took, something which is out of my control Events: The photo shoot resulted in the the criticism as the pose they performed happened at this event and the critique would not have happened if a different pose was chosen or the one they did was neglected

4.3. Immanuel Lopez: As this being my first job, I consistently felt constant pressure to create appealing work and every little mishappening and mistkae is as a result of my inexperience; however, I was happy to be working in a business such as Copy-rite

5. Texts

5.1. Adobe Photoshop & Computer: The technology I need to create and design the posters

5.2. Photo files of cheerleaders

5.3. Final and drafts of the Sponsor Posters: I have to keep revising and presenting the design until we have one that works where we call it the final design.

5.4. E-mails to and from cheerleader sponsor to me: text indicating updates I provide for them about the work and any changes they request and their critique

5.4.1. Event: Helps in my design process to complete the work; their opinion has an effect on what I will present to them