My 5 Goals for Professional Development

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My 5 Goals for Professional Development por Mind Map: My 5 Goals for Professional Development

1. Flip Classroom using technology

1.1. create how to lessons for other teachers

1.2. create mini lessons for students in literacy and math

1.3. create common core math help videos for parents and students

1.4. Continue to learn about and use new presentation technology tools

1.4.1. Screencasting

1.4.2. Editing tools

1.4.3. videos

1.4.4. audio

1.4.5. Creative presentation software

2. Create more presentations for staff development

2.1. Use theories and principles in all presentations

2.1.1. Andragogy

2.1.2. Universal Design for Learning

2.2. Contribute to more staff development

2.3. Teach a class at the Technology Festival in my district

2.3.1. Digital Citizenship Lessons

2.3.2. Helping parents and students with flipped classroom ideas incorporating technology

3. Digital Citizenship

3.1. backwards plan a year long curriculum

3.2. implement with fidelity the lessons

3.3. share lessons with other staff

3.4. Copyright information to staff and students

3.5. academic integrity

3.6. technology and honesty

4. Improve technical skills

4.1. Use learning networks

4.1.1. Google +

4.1.2. EdTech

4.2. continual self improvement in technology

4.2.1. Office of Educational Technology

4.2.2. District 186 Alludo online technology learning for teachers

4.3. Subscribe to YouTube Channels to self teach technical skills and troubleshooting

4.3.1. ISTE

4.3.2. Google Help

5. Take leadership roles

5.1. Apply for technology leader

5.2. Step up in leadership in my building