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STEM por Mind Map: STEM

1. Physical Education

1.1. Physically Fit

1.2. Zumba

1.3. Taebo

1.4. Aerobics

2. General Mathematics

2.1. Rational Function, Equation, and Inequalities

2.2. Exponential Function, Equation, and Inequalities

2.3. Logarithmic Function

2.4. Simple Interest

2.5. Analytic Geometry

2.6. Compound Interest

3. Pre Calculus

3.1. Conic Section

3.2. Trigonometry

4. Filipino

4.1. Gamit ng Wika

4.2. Varayti ng Wika

4.3. Antas ng Wika

5. Social Science

5.1. Epistemology

5.2. Logic

5.3. Ethics

5.3.1. Metaphysics

5.4. Philosophy of a Human Person

6. Oral Communication

6.1. Communicative Strategies

6.2. Kinds of Speech

6.3. Function of Communication

6.4. Intercultural Communication

7. Empowerment Technologies

7.1. Photoshop

7.2. MS Excel

7.3. MS Powerpoint

7.4. Wix

7.5. MS Word Document

8. Earth Science

8.1. Origin of the Earth

8.2. Origin of the Universe

8.3. Layers of the Earth

8.4. Composition of the Earth

9. Bible

9.1. Historical Books

9.2. Poetic Books

9.3. The Major Prophets

9.4. The Minor Prophets