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1. Is ontology pointless?

2. Ontology

2.1. What is there?

2.1.1. What is real?

2.1.2. Mind vs. matter i.e. the mind/body problem

2.2. How does it work?

2.2.1. Is there "free will"?

2.3. Why should we care?

3. Cosmology

3.1. Mythology

3.1.1. The stories we tell ourselves about ourselves.

3.2. Scientific cosmology

3.2.1. A new kind of cosmology

3.3. Where does reality come from?

3.3.1. The question of the 'first cause'

3.3.2. Otherwise known as the "unmoved mover"

4. Noetics

4.1. The Philosophy of Mind

5. Important Ideas & Topics

5.1. Appearance & Reality

5.2. Necessity & Possibility

5.2.1. What, if anything, has to exist?

5.2.2. What can exist?

5.2.3. What's the difference between Metaphysical N/P and Logical N/P?

5.3. Space & Time

5.3.1. wibbly wobbly timey wimey

5.4. Causality

5.4.1. How does one event cause another?