SPIN | Eternal Impact Banquet

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SPIN | Eternal Impact Banquet por Mind Map: SPIN | Eternal Impact Banquet

1. 1. Situation: We've been making an impact for 20 years.

1.1. A: Why us? LEADERS. We understand that it's more about planting churches. It's about planting leaders. Here and around the world. We've been doing it for 20 years. (VIDEO: A Generation of Impact)

1.2. B. Why us? SACRIFICE. A year ago we faced one of our biggest obstacles with John's accident. God has been so faithful through the process. (VIDEO: Jennifer's Story)

1.3. C. Why us? SUCCESS. God has allowed us to establish the D House. The success of this project has convinced us that in order to launch leaders for generations to come, we need launch pads. Example of David. Example of ROD AND KATHY MCNEFF. (VIDEO: D House) (TESTIMONIES)

2. 4. Needs Payoff. You want to be a part of something that makes a difference. This is your chance to extend YOUR impact.

2.1. Give to the epicenter

2.2. Become a regular financial partner

2.3. Get involved with a ministry

2.4. Let's grab coffee

3. 2. Problem: We're a facing a cultural crisis in regards to the Local Church.

3.1. A. Why now? CULTURAL TURNING POINT. The church faces greater challenges than ever before. Our 100-year-old model for the church is beginning to fail our culture. However, people are just as hungry for the Gospel as ever. We are taking what we've learned globally, and applying it right here in Oregon City through the planting of Missio Dei. In addition, we're taking what God is doing here locally, and seeing lives changed globally. For the Kingdom of God to advance globally, it will require leaders. If the Kingdom of God is going to in America, we're going to need leaders. Launching leaders that make an impact requires an Epicenter. People, Place, Platform.

3.2. B. Why now? PERFECT TIMING. We're taking a generation of experience and knowledge, and applying here and around the world for the sake of the kingdom. We've never been more prepared. We've never had a more exciting opportunity. (VIDEO: Reimagining the Local Church)

4. 3. Implication: The change is happening whether we like it or not. This is our chance to lead the change.

4.1. A. THE EPICENTER. We are asking God for an epicenter. This will give us the ability to extend the impact for generations to come.

4.2. B. THE VISION. People, Place, Platform. (Key Note)

4.3. C. THE FUTURE. The epicenter will give us the ability to continue reimagine the church. It will give us the chance to make disciples, forge kingdom partnerships for development and advancement, and most of all, Plant Leaders that will change the world.