Facebook's Ethical Problems.

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Facebook's Ethical Problems. por Mind Map: Facebook's Ethical Problems.

1. Leadership.

1.1. Mark Zuckerberg didn't attend the employee all-hands meeting.

1.1.1. Deputy General of Facebook led the meeting.

1.2. Zuckerberg didn't make any media appearances for 5 days.

1.3. Facebook need a leader with good communicational skills , strong morals.

2. Competition.

2.1. Instagram- largest competitor for Facebook.

2.1.1. Most popular for teenager because of how much simpler and private it is.

2.1.2. Competing with instagram for users instead of revenue, and the dme that they spend on the platforms.

2.1.3. Even though instagram is now owned by Facebook.

2.2. Facebook - largest social networking site in the world.

2.2.1. 2billion active account users globally.

2.2.2. No website as unique and popular as facebook.

3. Cost & Loss of Revenue.

3.1. Stock drops around 20%, loses $120billion in value.

3.1.1. stock lost around one fifth of its value.

3.2. Facebook growth depends on emerging markets.

3.3. Loss of user growth in America , Canada and Europe.

4. Shareholder Expectation.

4.1. The business is expected to be highly profitable.

4.2. Well informed of business activities.

4.3. All shareholder groups are demanding government action to prevent retirement payments.