Touchscreen Technology

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Touchscreen Technology por Mind Map: Touchscreen Technology

1. Dashboards

1.1. Touchscreens on dashboards are increasingly becoming more and more common than they ever were before. The first make of car to introduce this concept was the Buick 1986 Riviera.

1.2. Touchscreen dashboards are very commonly seen in Teslas, as they are very forward thinking machines when it comes to the technology put into them.

2. Tablets

2.1. Tablets are considered to be the newer technology found out of this bunch, as they've only been seen since the early 2000's. The first real tablet to hit the market was by no other than Bill Gates himself, with the Microsoft Tablet PC in 2002.

2.2. The rising popularity for tablets didn't necessarily grow for quite some time after the PC Tablet. Apple took the responsibility once again to bring this idea massive mainstream success with the iPad in April of 2010.

3. Cellphones

3.1. The very first cellphone to use touchscreen technology was IBM Simon, which saw its debut in November of 1992. Although this was technically the "birth" of touchscreen smartphones, that idea didn't see massive success until years later.

3.2. One of Apple's most well known products to date has to be the iPhone. Nearly everyone and their friends owns one. The iPhone was one of the first big smartphones out there to bring touchscreen technology to the mainstream for phones. The very first of it's kind to be released was in late June of 2007.

4. Computers

4.1. In October of 1972, not only was the first touchscreen computer launched to the public, but the very first device to incorporate touchscreen technology. This computer was the PLATO IV. This computer is the device that shifted how we interact with technology for good.

4.2. Due to the saturation of touchscreen computers out there, there is no real staple mainstream machine. There has been lots of popular options though, ranging from Dell to Microsoft.