Me (Amanda Brand)

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Me (Amanda Brand) por Mind Map: Me (Amanda Brand)

1. study abroad

1.1. italy

1.2. prague

1.3. israel

2. leadership opportunities

2.1. Habitat for Humanity- South Carolina Winter Program

3. research

3.1. psych research study

3.1.1. Completed!

3.2. Criminology- Why are certain people bad/ good

4. scholarships/awards

5. work

5.1. Working for Hunkis Kosher Pizza Store

5.2. Babysitting

5.3. Tutoring

6. Still waiting to hear back..

7. HMNS- Honors in Math and the Natural Sciences

8. internships

8.1. FBI Honors Summer Internship

8.2. Forensics Intern

8.3. Police Officer Intern

8.4. Intern at a Law Firm

9. Macaulay Honors Track

9.1. BALA

10. summer programs

10.1. FBI Honors Summer Internship

10.2. summer classes?

11. outside interests

11.1. art

11.2. health/sports

11.3. coding

12. Major/Minor

12.1. Major: Neuroscience-Psychology (pre-med?)

12.2. Minor- PoliSci