human-computer interaction

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human-computer interaction por Mind Map: human-computer interaction

1. Thirteen principles of display design

2. Perceptual principles

3. 1. Make displays legible

4. 2. Avoid absolute judgment limits

5. 3. Top-down processing.

6. 4. Redundancy gain.

7. 5. Similarity causes confusion: Use distinguishable elements.

8. Mental model principles

9. 6. Principle of pictorial realism

10. 7. Principle of the moving part.

11. Principles based on attention

12. 8. Minimizing information access cost or interaction cost.

13. 9. Proximity compatibility principle.

14. 10. Principle of multiple resources

15. researches the design and use of computer technology, focused on the interfaces between people (users) and computers

16. Differences with related fields

17. Principles

18. Methodologies

19. Memory principles

20. 11. Replace memory with visual information: knowledge in the world.

21. 12. Principle of predictive aiding.

22. 13. Principle of consistency

23. Human–computer interface