General Police Operations

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General Police Operations por Mind Map: General Police Operations

1. Collision Response

2. DUI Cases

3. Types of Patrol

3.1. Foot Patrol

3.2. Vehicular Patrol

3.3. Bicycle Patrol

3.4. Mounted Horse Patrol

3.5. Motorcycle Patrol

3.6. Air Patrol

4. Specialized Patrol Activities

4.1. Traffic enforcement officers

4.1.1. Manage traffic

4.1.2. enforce driving laws

4.1.3. Make arrest and write citations when needed

4.2. Vice Officers

4.2.1. engage in activities relative to: Prostitution Gambling Illegal Drugs Pornography Liquor Law violations

4.3. Juvenile Officers

4.3.1. Truancy

4.3.2. Juvenile delinquency prevention

4.3.3. apprehension of young offenders