Diocese of Liverpool CRM

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Diocese of Liverpool CRM por Mind Map: Diocese of Liverpool CRM

1. ENTITY Records: Funeral Booking Approx. 9000

1.1. Work Flow / Notifications

1.1.1. Confirmation email of certain data fields received by Funeral Director after initial contact.

1.1.2. Email: Service Leaders, Organists, Vergers etc of certain fields

1.1.3. On the Funeral Booking Data Input Screen*, a series of buttons that generate specific data to be pushed by email to specific people, as follows: [*Note: time/date stamp required by each person type to show when last sent]

1.1.4. Email trigger buttons defined Spec Doc P9 to 14

1.1.5. Payments received notifications for funeral director

1.2. Link all Individuals to Funeral

1.2.1. - CRM Contacts - CRM Users - Parish / Church Building User

1.3. Funeral Location approx. 250 / Type

1.3.1. Church service only Church service then on to crematorium Church service then immediate burial in church graveyard Church service then immediate burial at

1.4. Service Data

1.5. Notifications - Email

1.6. Financial Audit

1.6.1. Products / Services - type of funeral, other options selected rates of the providers

1.6.2. Record Outbound Payments

1.6.3. Record Inbound Payments

1.7. Burial of Ashes - X weeks after funeral - * Burial location can be at alternative location if no availability at primary location

2. User Logins and Permission Configuration

2.1. Parish Locations setup as user accounts

2.2. Users across Diocese

2.3. Administrative users

3. Dashboard / Reports

3.1. D: Display Leads

3.2. R: Payment Runs

3.3. R: End of month/year financial payments and statement reports

3.4. Summary report for payment run

3.5. Individual statements per person/parish with automatic email generation (so each person/parish can see what they will receive via BACS and check the detailed breakdown) Minister- Verger - Organists Ref Page 7 Spec Doc

4. TAB DATA: CRM Contacts & Funeral Booking: Notes - History etc. Displayed

5. Leads enter CRM by Funeral Director or Clergy or Family

5.1. Phone

5.2. Feedback Forms: content entered manually by CRM user or email sent from Funeral booking to relevant party

6. ENTITY Records: CRM Contacts - bespoke field structures / layouts as defined in specification document

6.1. Funeral Directors Approx. 150

6.2. Clergy Approx. 300

6.3. Deceased / Family Contact & Alt Family Contacts

6.4. Service Leaders

6.5. Organists

6.6. Vergers

6.7. Ministers

6.8. CRM Users

6.9. Location Events Held - Users

6.10. Grave Diggers

6.11. Parish Administrator Approx. 300

7. TAB / CALENDAR / TASKLIST DATA: CRM Contacts - Funeral Bookings - Users Activities Displayed