US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned por Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. Causes of world war ll

1.1. Totalitarianism when one leader has too much power, they can do whatever they want if not challenged

1.2. Treaty of Versailles: when there are attempts at blaming one country, conflict will result

2. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

2.1. Invasion of Cambodia

2.1.1. Nixon thought that if he could attack communist bases in Cambodia he would help the south Vietnamese. This tactic failed miserably as Americans saw this as increasing the war effort. He realized it is escalating it and that it just was not going to work. The US could not win this war. The lesson the US learned was that we shouldn't have even started this war.

2.2. When the US officially lost

2.2.1. The US decided to back out leaving an experienced ARVN to defend South Vietnam. The north poured into the south and took over Saigon on April 30th, 1975. Many people fled and got onto boats. They even pushed millions of dollars worth of military equipment into the ocean to make more room for people. This is when the US officially lost the war. We did not achieve our goal of containment. Communism started to spread to Vietnam. The lesson the US learned was that they couldn't contain communism and that they were going to officially loose this war.

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. Prohibiton

3.1.1. Creating unpopular laws are hard to enforce

3.1.2. Caused a lot of violence and came with gangs

3.1.3. when government tries to ban things that are very popular it is costly and in effective

3.2. Great depression

3.2.1. new deal gave people jobs so they could work and were used for people to get back on their feet, government payed for them

3.3. Great society :

3.3.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs, debt will increase

4. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

4.1. Great depressions

4.1.1. FDR wanted a more socialist country and wanted less government and Hoover wanted more government

4.2. JFK cuban missle crisis

4.2.1. When a president is faced with a tough decisions they should try to remain calm and think it through and need to compromise

4.3. LBJ

4.3.1. When a leader is associated their success can use it to their advantage

4.4. Bay of pigs invasion

4.4.1. Presidents need to be educated on things happening in politics/ the white house before they are put in office

4.5. President/American leadership was not honest

4.5.1. Nixon had a plan of Vietnamization. He wanted to pull American troops out of Vietnam and replace them with Vietnamese troops. However this did not work because the Americans had better leadership. Nixon lied to Americans about how this plan went. he told everyone that it worked and went very well. Nixon lied to people and because of this not many people trusted American leadership. The lesson the US learned was not to lie because they need to have a good relationship with its people.

5. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

5.1. Harlem renaissance/ great migration

5.1.1. Liked to live all in the same place

6. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

6.1. Working class

6.1.1. when they got payed more and worked less they had more time for leisure

6.2. Great depressions

6.2.1. The new deal was payed for by the government and gave out money that we already didn't have

7. World war 2

7.1. Pivotal Battles of WW11

7.1.1. Leaders: A military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped aggressively (appeasement doesn't work)

7.1.2. Leaders: Having an "enemy" become an ally promotes competition and harder fighting but can lead to tension after war

7.2. Holocaust

7.2.1. Government: Since Hitler was in power and kept pushing limits with persecution and no one stopped him he was able to continue what he was doing and kill that many people

7.2.2. Migration: America didn't know the extent of the holocaust and refused many jews entrance to the country and hitler was able to keep and kill

7.3. America on the Home frront

7.3.1. Civil Rights: Disenfranchised groups are needed and want to continue being needed in time when there is a connecting issue

7.3.2. Media: the media, when necessary, can be manipulated to serve the greater good by influencing people to aid in war efforts

7.4. end of WWll

7.4.1. Technology: New powerful weapons can quickly end war when one side has them

7.4.2. Leaders and Presidents: Leaders like Hitler who are willing to fight until the end can be challenging to defeat

8. Great Depression

8.1. When the new deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt increased

8.2. Causes of the great depression

8.2.1. economics: banks closed which made everyone loose their money and have nothing

9. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

9.1. African Americans world war 1/1920s

9.1.1. During times of war civil rights improve because the minorities are used to a greater extent. Take advantage of the situation

9.2. Womans progress 1920s

9.2.1. Woman gained a lot of rights and became more independant

9.3. Civil right protest

9.3.1. Non violent protest brought a lot of attention to certain events and they can impact things with out hurting anyone

9.4. Civil rights movement

9.4.1. When a radical idea is introduced to a group of individual that have been the same for many years they will be reluctant to change

9.5. Black panthers

9.5.1. movements that go up quickly can fall just as quickly.

10. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

10.1. Radios

10.1.1. Can communicate to a broad audience and it connects us all together

10.2. World war 1 warfare

10.2.1. Due to all technological advancements it changes the way war is fought and the world was not ready for it

10.3. Tv

10.3.1. seeing candidates appearance changes the out come of elections

10.4. Interstate highway

10.4.1. Progression in transportation technology and the implemention of that technology will benefit society by making it easier to get from place to place

10.5. Weapons

10.5.1. The US started rolling thunder and dropped 6 million tons of bombs on our enemy. The US also used napalm and agent orange. Napalm is gasoline mixed with jellifiedplastic, when it was dropped it explodes and sticks to people and it burns. This was a problem because it hurt innocent people and Children. Horrible images were taken of these people as well. Agent orange was a chemical defoliant that was meant to kill all plant life and expose enemy positions. However agent orange has been linked to birth defects and cancers in Vietnam and US personnel exposed to it during the war. The US learned that these weapons can be harmful to innocent people.

11. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

11.1. Emmett Till

11.1.1. Emmett Till's open casket put in a perspective of the ways blacks were treated

11.2. Malcom x vs mlk

11.2.1. Public awareness of issues and spread of CRM

11.3. How Soldiers were treated

11.3.1. Americans view the Vietnam war as a war that Americans lost. When the soldiers returned home they did not get treated as soldiers that come home today do. They were not treated well at all. People blamed them for all the losses of life. Soldiers were living on the streets and were ignored. Even though they went without being asked and did what they were told to do. This affected the soldiers, many even threw away their medals that they revived.