Effective Internet Searching

Começar. É Gratuito
ou inscrever-se com seu endereço de e-mail
Effective Internet Searching por Mind Map: Effective Internet Searching

1. Staying safe online

1.1. SMART

1.1.1. Keep SAFE Keep personal information safe Eg. Dont display your phone number or address

1.1.2. Dont MEET up Only talk to people you know People may pretend to be someone else

1.1.3. ACCEPTING emails can be dangerous People can send spam or 'junk mail' Mail can be trying to sell stuff Mail can be innapropriate

1.1.4. RELIABLE? Some resources may be unreliable or bias Only use credible sources that can be referenced

1.1.5. TELL someone Report anything that makes you uncomfortable to an adult or someone you trust

2. Some useful search engines for kids

2.1. Kiddle Kiddle - visual search engine for kids, powered by Google

2.2. KidsClick KidsClick! Web Search

2.3. KidRex KidRex - Kid Safe Search Engine

3. Four Nets for Better Searching

3.1. start NARROW

3.2. use EXACT phrases

3.3. TRIM the url

3.4. seek SIMILAR pages

4. Cite

4.1. All information accessed on the internet should be referenced

4.2. Dont just copy and paste!

4.3. Paraphrase

5. Search

5.1. The quality of search terms determines the quality of search results

5.2. Keep it simple

5.3. Use synonyms

5.4. Quotation marks can help searches for key words

6. http://primarytech.global2.vic.edu.au/files/2018/02/Research-tips-for-students-23pfpsv-724x1024.png

7. Evaluate

7.1. Using search boxes or 'Control F' to filter information

7.2. Cross check information and check reliability of sources

8. Delve

8.1. Look at a number of different sources before settling.

8.2. Use the URL to determine reliability

8.3. Useful URLs may include .gov or .edu

9. Clarify

9.1. Students brainstorm key words they are looking before searching

9.2. Define the task prior to starting your search

10. Safe Web Surfing: Top Tips for Kids and Teens Online