Organizational Structure

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Organizational Structure por Mind Map: Organizational Structure

1. Legal

1.1. Oversees investigations, lawsuits, mergers & acquisitions.

1.2. Provides advice to executives and employees when new laws can affect the company.

1.3. Handles all of the contracts, licenses, permits, trademarks & copyright for the company.

2. Finance

2.1. Responsible for financial reporting deadlines are met.

2.2. Organizes and maintains financial data of the company.

2.3. Suggest ways to reduce costs, enhance revenue & improve profit.

3. Promotion

3.1. Get an artist's new songs on the radio in order to ensure the future success of the record company.

3.2. Makes sure that all the other departments are communicating about the best way to sell the artist to the public.

3.3. Set up interviews with media outlets to promote the clients within the company to public audiences.

4. Human Resources

4.1. Helps recruit and fill job opportunities within the organization.

4.2. Provides training for employees on workplace safety and compliance.

4.3. Handles health benefits and negotiates wages for employees.

5. Marketing

5.1. Creates and promotes the company brand.

5.2. Works with the product development team to develop new products or improve existing ones.

5.3. Conducting customer and market research.

6. Sources:

6.1. How Record Labels Work

6.2. What Does It Take to Run a Business?

6.3. What Departments Are Needed to Run a Business?

6.4. What Different Departments does a Business Need?