Japan Prehistoric Period

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Japan Prehistoric Period por Mind Map: Japan Prehistoric Period

1. Iron age

1.1. Around 800 BC, most people in Japan shifted from Stone Age hunting and gathered to grow rice for most of their food (but they still ate a lot of fish). People in Japan started raising pigs brought from China. Like farmers everywhere, people in Japan began fighting over land, and they learned about bronze from China's Zhou Dynasty and began using swords and spears for their war.

2. Bronze age

2.1. Bronze and iron weapons and equipment in the early days were imported from the Korean continent in finished form or disposed of imported immersion iron. Finished metal products or raw materials are brought to ship to the Japanese archipelago. The earliest swords and spears may have been introduced by the 1st century BC.

3. Mesolithic

3.1. Climate change helps account for the existence of Mesolithic stages in early Japanese culture, a time when abundant fauna from antiquity became exhausted by the expanding human population in the archipelago.

4. Neolithicum

4.1. the neolithic in japan called jomon.

5. Stone Age

5.1. He lived sometime between 7500 and 5000 B.C., when Japan’s population was probably around 22,000.

5.2. The earliest known jomon man was uncovered in 1949 below a shell layer in the Hirasaka shell mound in Yokohama City. He stood rather tall for a Jomon person:163cm x-rays of his bones show growth interruptions.

5.3. People probably first reached japan from two directions around the same time.

6. Definition Of Prehistoric period

6.1. Since Pre means "Before", and history is the record of human event, Prehistory refers to the time before human civilization developed and started writing things down.

7. The paleolithicum

7.1. Prehistoric Japan is divided into four main cultures: Palaeolithic, Jomon, Yayoi and Kofun. Each of these main cultures, or periods, is subdivided into several periods. The cultural phase is almost unlimited. The dates for these periods are given in radiocarbon years that have not been calibrated, except for Palaeolithic beginnings, which are based on other dating methods.

8. Megalithic/Copper age

8.1. megalithic and copper age can not found in japan.