How further assessments can help meet the needs of students

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How further assessments can help meet the needs of students por Mind Map: How further assessments can help meet the needs of students

1. Speech & Language pathologists

1.1. can work one-on-one with students to improve with articulation and pronunciation, providing targeted excercizes in ways teacher may not have the time or training to do

1.2. can help with student's ability to understand oral language and communicate orally in social and academic situations

1.3. Can provide specific diagnosis of communicative disorder and suggestions for accommodations for an IPRC committee

2. Psychological assessment

3. Psych-Ed Assessment

3.1. Can identify a diagnosis of a learning disability for IPRC committee

3.1.1. by providing a specific diagnosis, an IEP will be created for a student and formal accommodations can be put in place

3.1.2. will help student, teacher and parents to better understand why a student may be struggling academically or socially and how to better support them

3.2. can make suggestions and work with students to help improve test prep and study skills

3.3. can refer for tutoring services

4. Psychological Assessment

4.1. Helpful in identifying strengths and challenges of students

4.2. can identify need for special services