Global Learning

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Global Learning por Mind Map: Global Learning

1. Educational Technology

1.1. Educational Technological Tools

1.2. Digitization in Educational Institutes

1.2.1. Virtual Classroom

1.3. Open Educational Resource (OER)

1.3.1. Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Coursera Edx Webinar

2. Collaboration

2.1. sharing knowledge and technology

2.2. Global interaction

2.3. sharing ideas

3. global justice

3.1. Resssources

3.2. Gender

3.3. Wealth

3.4. Opportunity

4. Methodological Approaches

4.1. learner centred

4.2. Activating

4.3. Empowering

4.4. Experience based

4.5. Partnership based

5. online courses

6. global challenges

6.1. poverty

6.2. inequailites

6.3. environmental degradation

6.4. violent conflicts

6.5. human rights

7. challenging old structures

7.1. modern devices/tools

7.2. international connection (universities, schools)

7.3. preventing fears of the new to become big

7.4. introduce modern teaching to schools

8. Distance Education

8.1. Distance learning

8.2. correspondence

8.3. educators

8.4. communication

8.5. personal skills

8.6. geographic distance