Human biology

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Human biology por Mind Map: Human biology

1. New Topic

2. Multipotent

2.1. Can develop into more than one cell type, but are more limited than pluripotent cells

3. Enzymes

3.1. Proteins that allow chemical reactions to take place at normal body temperature

3.2. Without enzymes these reactions would be too slow to be of any use to the body

3.3. Are specific

3.3.1. Each enzyme will combine with only one particular substrate Occurs because enzyme and substrate have characteristics that are complimentary to one another - have shape and structure that allows them to fit together

4. Genetic counseling

4.1. The examination of the incidence of a disorder in the family tree, where the probability that a particular problem will occur can sometimes be determined.

4.1.1. The couple can then decide whether to risk having a baby with the inherited disorder

5. DNA

5.1. DNA profile

5.1.1. The pattern of bonds revealed by the process of electrophoresis Used to compare patterns in their genome or to identify individual’s traits

5.1.2. Ethics: ownership, best interest, discrimination

5.1.3. A sample of DNA is cut at particular base sequences and placed on a bed of gel

5.2. Deoxyribonucleic acid

5.2.1. A molecule found in the cells of all organisms

5.3. Contain the genetic information that determine the structure of the cell and the way it functions

6. Red blood cells

6.1. Are well suited to their function of oxygen transport because they:

6.1.1. Contain haemoglobin, which is able to combine with oxygen

6.1.2. Have no nucleus, so there is more room for haemoglobin molecules

6.1.3. Are shaped like biconcave discs which increases surface area for oxygen

7. Blood vessels that are joined together to form channels through which the blood flows are

7.1. Arteries

7.1.1. Carry blood away from heart

7.2. Capillaries

7.2.1. Carry blood between the cells

7.3. Veins

7.3.1. Carry blood back to the heart

7.3.2. New Topic

8. Mitochondrial DNA

8.1. Inherited from mother

8.1.1. Autosomal

8.2. Affects fatty acid oxidation and transporters

9. Stem cells

9.1. Totipotent

9.1.1. Have the ability to potentially develop into any cells in the human body

9.2. Pluripotent

9.2.1. Capable of giving rise to most, but not all, tissues of an organism

10. Metabolism

10.1. All chemical reactions occurring in a living organism

10.2. 2 types of chemical reactions

10.2.1. Catabolism Reactions in which large molecules are broken down to smaller ones Releases energy

10.2.2. Anabolism Reactions in which small molecules are built up into larger molecules Requires energy

11. Congenital disorders

11.1. Are defects or diseases that are present at birth

11.2. Are caused by mutations or a child inherits a defective gene from parents

11.3. Also caused by teratogens. An agent that causes physical defects in a developing foetus

11.3.1. Potential teratogens include antibiotics, LSD, alcohol, nicotine

11.4. The placenta allows many dangerous organisms and chemicals to pass from the mother to the foetus

11.4.1. Eg, viruses

12. Genetic diseases

12.1. Sickle cell anemia

12.1.1. Co dominant

12.2. Tay-sachs disease

12.2.1. Autosomal recessive

12.3. ABO blood groups

12.3.1. Co dominat

12.4. Red/green colourblindness

12.4.1. X-linked recessive

12.5. Haemophilia

12.5.1. X-linked recessive

12.6. Cystic fibrosis

12.6.1. Recessive

13. Nutrients and waste

13.1. Transported dissolved in the blood plasma

13.1.1. Nutrients are the essential elements and molecules that are obtained from the food we eat

13.1.2. Wastes are substances produced by the cells that can’t be used and would be harmful if allowed to accumulate

14. Cardiac cycle

14.1. The sequence of events that occurs in one complete beat of the heart

14.1.1. Pumping phase When the heart muscle contracts (systole)

14.1.2. Filling phase The heart muscle relaxes (diastole)

14.1.3. Atrial systole Contraction of the atria

15. Variation

15.1. Difference in phenotypes between members of a species eg, skin colour, eye colour, height

15.2. Happens due to

15.2.1. Meiosis Random assortment Chromosomes split and end up in different gametes Crossing over Alleles switch so we get a different order of the genes Non-disjunction Wrong number of chromosomes in gametes (1 more or 1 less)

15.2.2. Random fertilisation At fertilisation, there is no way of determining which sperm will unite with the egg

15.2.3. Epigenetics Inherited characteristics that are not actually encoded in the DNA sequence itself Passed on from one generation to the next

16. Structural organisation in human body b

16.1. The cell

16.2. Tissues

16.2.1. Epthelial tissue Lining tissue Eg-outer layer of skin

16.2.2. Connective tissue Provides support for the bodys Eg- bone and cartilage

16.2.3. Muscular tissue Able to respond to a stimulus by contracting and becoming shorter Skeletal, involuntary, cardiac

16.2.4. Nervous tissue Made up of specialised nerve cells (neurons) Eg- brain, spinal cord, nerves

16.3. Organs

16.4. System

17. Chemical equation for cellular respiration

17.1. Glucose + oxygen -> carbon dioxide + water + energy