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My Network por Mind Map: My Network

1. My aunt also knows the owner of a Restaurant, she could see if they're hiring

2. My cousin does the paper route, I can check if they need one in my area.

3. 3 of my friends work at a&w. I can ask them if they could help get me a job.

4. My friend Jasmina works at Bliss Bakery, she could help me get a job there.

5. My aunt knows the Manager at a spa, I could see if they're hiring.

6. My friend's mom owns a beauty salon, I could ask if she could give me a job.

7. My whole family knows the Manager at Choices market, maybe he's hiring

8. My dad is friends with the owner of a record/music store

9. My mom is friends with the owner of a boutique

10. She might know if there are any local acting related jobs.

11. Nesters Manager- My mom also knows the manager at nesters.

12. Cafe Manager- My mom knows the manager at Marmelade Cafe, she can ask if they're hiring.

13. Mom and Dad have many friends who are managers at several small shops, I could ask my parents to ask them if any are hiring.

14. My friend Vanessa works at nesters, she could also help me get a job there.

15. I could ask my old theatre teacher if she's hiring anyone in the studio.