contextual conditions

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contextual conditions por Mind Map: contextual conditions

1. controlspace

1.1. Height of strain (demands)

1.2. Decision latitude (control)

1.2.1. the survey was mandatory

1.2.2. the results are not the most important, but th process is important

1.2.3. freedom of how to organise the survey (individual with the leader or in team)

2. general (all conditions)

2.1. idea: each leader has to start about the spirits. I. has done an exercise with her team. Afterwards she made an actionplan with her team

2.2. discuss the results of the survey

2.3. making time for the teams, be available for the team

3. tranparency and overview

3.1. People want to kwow your intentions

3.1.1. action: on a teammeeting explain my intentions

3.2. People want to know why

3.3. People want to know your objectives

4. trust

4.1. Integrity

4.2. Competence

4.3. Consistent Communication

4.3.1. see results: satisfaction buzzer

4.4. Genuine Concern

4.5. Results

4.5.1. satisfaction buzzer (when you leave the office of the DM you can evaluate the satisfaction of the BP&S spirit in taht meeting)