CONSUMER BEHAVIOR = buying units and exchange process involved in acquiring, processing and dispo...

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CONSUMER BEHAVIOR = buying units and exchange process involved in acquiring, processing and disposing goods, services, experiences and ideas por Mind Map: CONSUMER BEHAVIOR = buying units and exchange process involved in acquiring, processing and disposing goods, services, experiences and ideas

1. Decision process

1.1. Problem recognition

1.1.1. what exactly the customer needs (feels like something is missing)

1.2. Information search

1.2.1. can provide from different sources: personal sources, commercial sources, experiences...

1.3. Alternative evaluation and selection

1.3.1. evaluate the various alternatives available in the market => choose the best option

1.4. Outlet selection and purchase

1.4.1. customer finally purchases the product

1.5. Postpurchase processes

1.5.1. customer’s analysis whether the product was useful to him or not, whether the product fulfilled his need or not

2. Marketing strategy

2.1. Product/service: physical attributes of the product, uniqueness of the service...

2.2. Price: the cost to get the product/service

2.3. Place: where the product/service is available for purchase

2.4. Promotion: let the market know about the product and its benefits/features

3. Purchase involvement

3.1. Nominal

3.1.1. Habitual decisions (ex: repeat purchases)

3.2. Limited

3.2.1. Involves limited external researches, few alternatives, use of simple selection rules

3.3. Extended

3.3.1. High level of purchase involvement

4. Decision process influences

4.1. External influences

4.1.1. Culture Traditions, taboos, values, basic attitudes...

4.1.2. Social status Upper, middle, lower

4.1.3. Reference groups groups of people that influence an individual’s attitude or behavior Primary groups: family, close friends... Secondary groups: colleagues, professionals...

4.2. Internal influences

4.2.1. Learning changes that occur in behavior, attitudes... as a result some experience Learning process: exposure, attention, understanding

4.2.2. Lifestyle & personality Examples of personality: imaginative, agreableness, anxiety... Examples of lifestyle: bowling, cooking, having pets...

4.2.3. Attitudes Three characteristics of attitudes: affect, behavior, cognition

4.2.4. Motivation Internal state that drives to satisfaction needs

5. Market analysis

5.1. Company: ability to meet customer needs

5.2. Competitors: understanding their capabilities and strategies

5.3. Conditions: state of economy, physical environment, regulations, technological developments

5.4. Consumers: needs and desires