Good Product Ideas

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Good Product Ideas por Mind Map: Good Product Ideas

1. A health sensing tracker bracelet for families.

2. Test the freshness of food and cleanliness of water.

3. A electro magnetic transportation system.

4. An app that connects you with people with similar intrests and are in your area.

5. Anti-Bullying App

6. A video shearing app for musicians.

7. Headphones that can translate different languages in real time.

8. a real hoverboard

9. Drone Delivery food service.

10. A personal customization brewer.

11. Quick Wireless charging for cars. Installed in parking spots.

12. Waterproof Air pods

13. Phone case that is a taser.

14. Self Heating Gloves

15. Temp controlled Bluetooth smart pillow.

16. Electric Wheel converter kit for bicycls.

17. Smart water filter, that adds bubbles and can fill up and carbonate a drink. Also can flavor the drink and be controlled with your phone.

18. Steak knives for Vegans

19. A Cooling Microwave

20. Un foldable Paper

21. Un pop able bubble wrap

22. Plastic Detector for airports

23. pillow filled with sand or rocks

24. Glass Heels

25. Water soluble swim suits.

26. Swim trunks that float you

27. Vision app for blind people

28. Hangover, exhaustion cure.

29. A fully immersive AR gaming suit.

30. kayak that turns into a little sail boat.

31. Add remover.

32. an app that allows you to identify items based on AR

33. Anti Spill coffee mug

34. Warming Jackets

35. Paper shoes for people in humid areas.

36. Umbrellas with perforation for breath ability.

37. Air in a can.

38. Coin pouch for cryptocurrency

39. Transparent Safe

40. Sand Boots for the dessert