Testing and evaluation


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Testing and evaluation por Mind Map: Testing and evaluation

1. Formal oral profeciency tests

1.1. For the diagnostic purposes of screening or selection, Focused on spoken production, the goal of these exams is to measure the accuracy as a native-speaker is able to do

1.2. TOEFL IBT speaking

2. International English language testing system (IELTS)

2.1. It is used in the USA , is jointly administered by University of Cambridge

2.2. The test consists of a 10-15 minuteinterview conducted by single examiner.


2.4. Versant

3. American Counsil on the teaching of foreign language (ACTFL) Proficiency interview and ACTFL proficiency guidelines

3.1. The ACTFL oral interview is administered either face to face or by teltphone

4. Morley's speech intelligibility/communicability index

4.1. Three basic levels of speech intelligibility. Aprethreshold level (essentially uncommunicative) followed by two threshold levels(partially communicative and fully communicative)

5. UCLA Test of oral proficiency (TOP) for international teaching assistants

5.1. A method of screening nonnative graduate teaching assistants at universities is the simulated teaching demostration

6. Interagency language roundtable (ILR) oral -proficiency interview(OPI) and rating scale

6.1. It is used by the U.S. government to test oral proficiency in many languages

6.2. It is a 30 minute test carried out by two trained interviewers, One of whom conducts the interviewwhile the others observes and take notes.

7. Formal Oral-proficiency Testing Instruments

8. Diagnostic evaluation of pronunciation

8.1. It determines a learner's level of proficiency, there are two importants factors to take account, such as screening and placement. To sum up it is a global assesment of the class's and each learner's perception and production.

9. Diagnostic perception

9.1. Diagnostic tests of listening, it can be given either in class or in a language laboratory( identify the segmental and suprasegmental features).

9.2. Consonant-vowel discrimination

9.3. Word stress

9.4. Prominence

9.5. Intonation

9.6. Reduced speech

10. Diagnosing production in the classroom (2 spoken production samples)

10.1. Teacher in confirming the extent to which learners require instruction in a particular area of spoken production

10.2. A standardized sample of the learner reading aloud

10.3. A sample of the learner's free speech

11. Ongoing evaluation and feedback

11.1. Teacher needs to determine the progress students are making in order to provide continuous informal feedback on individual progress.

12. Self-monitoring and correction

12.1. It has always played a central role in pronunciation teaching, and most language teachers believe that their students must first be able to recognize their mistakes before they can correct them

13. Peer Feedback

13.1. In order to all students to benefit from interaction in the classroom

14. Teacher feedback and correction

14.1. The teacher's main role is to call attention to errors on the spot or later.

15. Classroom testiing

15.1. Tests of perception

15.2. Tests of production

15.3. Tests of phonetic knowledge

16. Diagnostic Evaluation

17. Ongoing Evaluationa with Feedback