Module Three Assignment: Personal Hygiene UbD Stacey McKay

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Module Three Assignment: Personal Hygiene UbD Stacey McKay por Mind Map: Module Three Assignment: Personal Hygiene UbD Stacey McKay

1. Students will be engaged and motivated through the presentation of their projects on personal hygiene and using their own information to answer questions on the short assessment on personal hygiene.

2. Ways I Will Present My Lesson The WHAT of Learning

2.1. Role Playing

2.1.1. Students and staff will role play scenarios involving the use (or lack of) personal hygiene. Students will have to identify the proper uses of personal hygiene by using the given scenarios.

2.2. Presentations

2.2.1. Students will be assigned a different area of personal hygiene (brushing teeth, using deodorant, hand washing, etc.) Students will be assigned to create a digital presentation including steps to maintaining their area of hygiene, what happens if you don't, and other information regarding their assigned topic. Maintaining an environment that fosters differences and creates a predictable learning environment are vital (Gordon, Meter, Rose, 2018). Having this type of environment allows students to be as successful as possible.

3. Demonstrate Comprehension The HOW of Learning

3.1. Students will demonstrate comprehension of the unity through the identification of personal hygiene habits through role playing scenarios. The teacher will use a rubric and visually observe the students understanding of the topic.

3.2. Student presentation projects will demonstrate their comprehension of the topics. To ensure comprehension of other areas, students will be given a short assessment outlining all areas of personal hygiene. Using the presentations allow ways of comprehension can be differentiated for different learners to express what they've learned (Cast, 2018).

4. Motivate and Engage Students The WHY of Learning

4.1. Students will be motivated and engaged through teacher modeling and demonstration. The role playing will engage all students within the activity. Using this to engage students allow for minimal distractions and full comprehension of material (Cast, 2018).

4.2. Students will be motivated because the skills and concepts they are learning will be applied to their daily routine and constantly revisited. To establish desired results of the goal of the unit, the establishment of all but one fixed route to learning must be addressed (Gordon, Meyer, Rose, 2016)

5. References

5.1. CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from UDL: The UDL Guidelines UDL Guidelines Graphic Organizer

5.2. Gordon, D., Meyer, A., & Rose, D. (2016). Universal Design for Learning. Peabody: CAST Professional Publishing.