capturing different cultures living in Singapore through photography

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capturing different cultures living in Singapore through photography por Mind Map: capturing different cultures living in Singapore through photography

1. Cultures in Singapore

1.1. How have all these different cultures been able to set their home up in Singapore?

1.2. How have all these cultures been abel to uphold their traditions?

1.3. How did the cultures start to form in Singapore?

2. Product

2.1. Exhibition

2.1.1. School Forum Pods Multipurpose rooms Parents?

2.1.2. Dutch Club

2.1.3. House

2.2. Photoalbum

2.3. Selling postcards/posters

2.3.1. Profit towards India trip

2.3.2. Where will I sell them?

2.3.3. To who will I sell them?

3. Personal and Cultural expression

3.1. What is the purpose of this creative expression?

3.2. How does Personal and Cultural expression intervene

4. Photographing

4.1. Places

4.1.1. Little India

4.1.2. Chinatown

4.1.3. Black & White houses

4.1.4. Arab street

4.2. Focusing on infrastructure

4.2.1. Everyday life

4.2.2. Everyday building