System software

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System software por Mind Map: System software

1. Operating system for Mobile Devices.

1.1. Example of computer OS:

1.1.1. 1-microsoft windows 2-macintosh OS 3-linux.

1.2. Example of computer OS for network:

1.2.1. 1-microsoft windows server 2-unix

2. UTILITY SOFTWARE Does maintenance and repair jobs that the operating system cannot do itself.

2.1. Operating systems (so) keeps things running smoothly by allowing the hardware devices to communicate with one another.

2.2. An operating system controls all the computers functions and provides the on-screens tools to interact with the computer and its programs.this is called an interface.

2.3. The OS does many jobs:

2.3.1. working with peripherals.

2.3.2. Managing data

2.3.3. Using memory

2.3.4. Providing the user interface

3. Operating system (OS) Keeps things running smoothly by allowing the hardware devices to communicate with .